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Sunday, September 13, 2009

10 years in First Division and the match Tenerife-Osasuna

Here it is at last! We have been waiting for more than two months, though there was a "snack" the last weekend of August: The Spanish League, for most people the most important football league in the world, is back.
I am starting here a weekly article I wanted to reproduce last year, but I couldn't. Of course, as I said in previous articles, you are encouragely invited to join with your opinions, articles to discuss and expand the news we deal with.
The main topic for me will be the weekly match Osasuna play, but I may add some other interesting topics related to the team or about the rivals and the date.
That is the case for my first issue: Osasuna and its ten consecutive years in First division.
Last weekend of August the most seller newspaper in Navarra published a supplement "Extra Liga 2009/10" with the best team of the decade in Osasuna chosen in their web www.diariodenavarra.es : Ricardo, Azpilicueta, Cuéllar, Cruchaga, Monreal, Pablo García, Raúl García, Juanfran, Jaroslav Plasil, Savo Milosevic and Roberto Soldado.
As always, there are as many ideal teams in Osasuna as supporters are of that team. Another aspect to bear in mind is that the survey was made in the web, which may restrict the access to a wide population and Osasuna supporters, like the elderst.
To sum up, I may agree with the final result of that ideal team, but I prefer to form my ideal squad ( the first name is the best in his position ): Juan Carlos Unzué and Ricardo López as goalkeepers, C.Azpilicueta(J.M.Yanguas), César Cruchaga(Josetxo Romero), Cuéllar(Aitor Ocio), Nacho Monreal(Antonio López) as defenders, Juanfran(David López), Raúl García ( Javad Nekounam ), Pablo García ( Leonel Gancedo ), Jaroslav Plasil ( Ludovic Delporte ) as midfielders and Savo Milosevic ( Jonh Aloisi ) and José Ángel Ziganda ( Roberto Soldado ) as forwards.
Another important part of a squad is the coach or mister, who hasn't been elected, but for me without discussion was Javier Aguirre with the help of Ziganda as his second. But I'm not electing the best chairman as I think there isn't any better than Fermin Ezcurra in the 80's.
Finally, I should talk about the most important member of a club: their supporters. There is a previous article about Osasuna supporters and due to espace I postpone a complete article dedicated to all of you, the best football supporters in the world.
Today match is against Tenerife F.C. It's the beginning of Osasuna League, that one to avoid the relegation to Second Division next year, as though the draw from first home match against Villarreal (1-1) is a good result, it would be a good start to get points in Tenerife.
Osasuna have never defeated Tenerife in all their games.The best score was on 6th June 2003(2-2) and the last confrontation was a defeat (3-1) at Heliodoro Rodriguez stadium.
Good luck rojillos!Aupa Osasuna!

P.D.: This is a video from Tenerife F.C. to present the start of Spanish League in their stadium. See their slogan, similar to the famous Obama's : Yes, we can...all together!

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