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Sunday, January 10, 2010

My routines at Christmas

On December 24 I get up, congratulate my mother for being his birthday and then I meet a friend in the morning and in the evening. At night I went to Berrioplano to have dinner with my family. After having dinner I went resting.

25th of December I get up late, then I have a shower, have breakfast and then meet a friend and at 2 p.m. we went out in Berrioplano to eat. We ate pork and lamb and then we went at 5 p.m. because I go out with my friends.

On December 31st I get up late, have breakfast and then meet a friend and eat in house and then at night we went to Berriplano to have dinner and put at 12 I took 12 grapes and at 1 we went out disguised with a few friends.

On January 1st I get up late and I went home of a friend and in the evening I go with friends to Pamplona and then to my house where I play too and I spoil myself.

On January 5th I get up late and at 4 p.m. I went to see the Magi to the sponge-cake, then, again to home to do time for the Three Kings Parade and when it finished, I went to do some purchases.

On January 6th I get up late, and I could not open the gifts until my small cousins were coming. And the evening I spend it reading.

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