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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Codfish in green sauce

Codfish in green sauce
5 slices of codfish
200 grams of cockles

For the sauce:
A head of garlic
A bit of parsley
A small glass of white wine
A glass of fish stock
To decorate:
2 eggs
5 asparagus
Chop the garlick and the parsley. Rinse the cockles and fry it with a bit of fish stock and bake the eggs. Add oil in a mud casserole and boil the garlic. Later, mix the parsley with the garlic. Remove the casserole off the fire. Add salt in the slices of codfish and distribute along in the casserole. Stir with a movement of the hands. Turn the slices and add the white wine and the fish stock. Bring to boil the mixture and stir with a movement of the hands again. Finally, put the eggs, cockles, asparagus and parsley to decorate. Serve it with a good white wine, Basque cyder or rose Navarrian wine! Enjoy!

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