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Monday, February 22, 2010

Students' recipes

I am going to do an omelette of potato with the help of my mother
The ingredients are ( number of people ??):
-potatoes (6 or 7 depends on how many people you cook for)
-eggs(5 o 6 depend)
-some milk

First, peel the potatoes and put a frying pan on the fire. We hope that it is done well. While the potatoes are frying is done, crack the eggs in a bowl.
Add salt while you whisk the eggs. Later mix the potatoes with the eggs in the bowl and then add more salt if necessary and some milk.
Then pour the mixture in the frying pan and wait for five minutes as it's done and use a lid to turn the omelette over. Leave for five more minutes and finally try and serve it hot.
Carlos Lacasta

Meatballs in sauce:

Ingredients: ( for how many people )
-400gr of minced meat

-1 Egg

-2 teeth of garlics

-1 Glass of white wine

-4 Spoonfull of breadcrumbs

-4 Chalotas

- Parsley

We peel and chop the garlics.

In a bowl we crack the egg and half of the chopped garlics, whisk the ingredients in order to mix them quite perfectly.

We add the minced meat, the breadcrumbs, half of the glass of wine and the parsley. Then, stir everything until completely mixed and obtaining a mass.

Later, cut the chalotas for the sauce .Put the chalota in a frying pan with oil and a leaf of laurel and the rest of the garlic, add the remaining wine and stir. Beat the mixture in an electric mixer.

Then form the meatballs and roll it in flour. In a frying with oil we fry the meatballs and when they are done, add the previous sauce. We cover the meatballs in order that they take the sauce completely and finally serve the dish hot.
Katherine Abreu

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