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Friday, April 29, 2011

The XXIst Century Wedding and other British Royal Weddings

Today it's the first wedding of the British Royal famuly in the XXIst century. I am going to publish a historical article for all of us who like the British Culture with videos, links and comments on everything.

This is a good video to learn about the most important weddings in the XXth century up to now, before William and Kate's, but I think the first important issue is to learn about this Royal family:

As you can learn from this video, the actual Prince of Wales, the heir of the Kingdom is Charles, and his wedding was the one titled as A Prince and Lady Tale, most of the girls of the 80's dreamt to become princess in the 90's or early XXIst century. Here it is the history:

We'll prove that there are many coincidences and differences between this one and William and Kate's wedding, as we will see in a bit.
In this moment, I want to do a break with the joy of wedding and remember the problems that Diana had and his tragical end in Paris on 29th August 1997. It was a shock for me in that time I was studying in Salamanca, and it was my issue to get my grade in the university.This is my tribute for her and the song of Eltonn John in her funeral.

After her death, everything changed at Buckingham Palace and the British society suspected on the British Royal family and the mass media were blame for their harassment to Diana, but Diana's children could calm them down.

You may continue with the next nine videos of this mourning of Diana, to find out about the consequences of her death, but to make this article shorter I have to continue with the history and this is the time for Charles's happiness as he finally got mariied his true love: Camila Parker Bowles.

And we finally reach the end of this article, Kate and William's wedding. I didn't pay attention to it until I came across a funny video to announce this historical wedding:

I was very funny indeed, but I think It's time to make fun of the Royal families, included the Spanish, and I think they are very good ambassadors for both countries, but they cost a lot too.

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