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Friday, October 18, 2013

Diego Cameirao's introduction



My name is Diego and my surname Cameirao. I am 15 years old. I am from Spain and I live in Pamplona(Navarra) with my parents and my brother.I study  in Salesianos Pamplona.

I have brown short hair and black eyes. I am tall and thin. I am a good person because I want to help people.

In my family are my parents, Asun and Antonio. They´re hard-workers. And my brother Ruben. He is 19 years old. My favourite person of my family is my father because is very difficult to find a person like him.

My routine is normal. At 7 o´clock I get up and I have breakfast. Then, I go to school on my bike. At 8, I go into my classroom. I have 6 lessons in the day. After the lessons, at 2p.m. I come home. When I am at home I eat while I watch `The Simpsons´. After I do my homework and at 7, I go to football training. Then, if I am tired I relax in my bedroom. After that, I eat dinner. And before going to sleep I read a book.

At the weekend, I sometimes get up more or less at 10 o´clock. I have breakfast and I go with my parents to the football match. When it is finish, I eat and watch TV. At 5:30p.m., I meet with my friends in Pamplona. At 9p.m. I come home and I eat dinner. After dinner, I watch TV and at 11:30p.m. I go to sleep.
Also, I sometimes go to restaurants after football matches.

My house

My house is in Mendillorri. It is big.
My favourite room of my house is my bedroom. My house has got 3 rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room.
When you enter my house, you are in the hall. In front of the hall, is the kitchen. In the kitchen there are some things: a fridge, a microwave, a table and four chairs.
Next to the kitchen, is the living room. Here there is a Tv, a sofa and a table.
Near the living room is the bathroom. Next to it there are 3 bedrooms: mine, my brother´s room and my parents´ room. In my bedroom there are some posters and 2 wardrobes. There is a desk, a bed and a library

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