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Monday, February 3, 2014

Villarreal-Osasuna, time to cheer up the supporters!

Good evening, dear Osasunists! Villarreal and Osasuna give an end to this "weekend" games at El Madrigal stadium. Both teams have opposite goals from the very beginning of the season and tonight isn't different: Villarreal struggle to reach Champions positions and Osasuna suffer to escape from the relegation posts.

Even when the Mediterranean team is back in First Division this season, it is a powerful team with experienced players and the classification marks a gap of 15 points between Osasuna and Villarreal. But last weekend was an awful result for both teams as they lost their confrontations, but it was more painful for Osasuna as they lost against one of their hatred neighbours, Athletic Bilbao ( 1-5 ).

Osasuna must add points and recover from last defeat. It is a good opportunity as Gracia's team used to offer a better image away from El Sadar at least in the last month, which helped Osasuna leave the relegation post five points away, but now that red line is just three points away. Osasuna need to be stronger in their defence line and play with the ball as they used to do it previously.

The results are even better away from Pamplona than in our stadium. Osasuna won in Málaga (0-1), Valladolid (0-1) and Sevilla against Betis (1-2), got one point against Celta (1-1) and Granada (0-0).
Although Villarreal isn't a direct rival for relegation posts, but it is interesting to remember that the defeat in Pamplona against Villarreal ( 0-3 ) had the consequence of the destitution of Mendilibar, the former coach in Osasune and the club signed up a new contract with the actual coach, Javier Gracia. There has been a positive change in the team since then and players must show that last weekend defeat against Athletic was just a mistake or nightmare for us, thir supporters.

Finally, we have to remind that last 31st January the winter market closed with no news in our club. Just Ion Echaide left the club towards Hercules, from Alicante and Osasuna signed up Acuña. But neither Loe nor Silva have left the club, though the last one seems to be about to pack to China. All in all, what the team and the club need is calmness, unity and support from us, their supporters, to avoid relegation post tonight and all the games left from now to the end of the season.

Posible kickoff teams:
Villarreal: Asenjo, Mario, Musacchio, Dorado, Jaume Costa, Pina, Trigueros, Aquino, Moi Gómez, Uche; Gio dos Santos.
Osasuna: Fernández; Bertrán, Flaño, Loties, Damiá; Puñal, Lolo; Cejudo, De las Cuevas, Armenteros; Oriol Riera


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