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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hiroshima mourns atomic bomb anniversary

City of Hiroshima marked the 64 th anniversary of the world's first nuclear bombing today. The Mayor of Hiroshima delivered a peace declaration, calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020.
It was on the same day, 64 years ago, the "Little Boy" atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.The bomb instantly killed over 70,000 people in the city and another 100,000 people died in the following days due to burn injuries and radiation.Three days after, another nuclear bomb was dropped in Nagasaki which killed 100,000 people.
Over 50,000 people gathered Thursday at the peace park in Hiroshima to mourn the victims of the bomb and a moment of silence was observed at 8:15 a.m local time, the time the bomb was dropped over Hiroshima in 1945. The crowd included many hibakushas or atom bomb survivors.
Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba praised U.S. president Obama for his speech in Prague. Obama had said that US has a moral responsibility to work towards the abolition of nuclear weapons as it is the only country to have used an atomic weapon. He said the year 2020 is important as we want to enter a world without nuclear weapons with as many hibakusha as possible. We call on the world to join forces with us to eliminate all nuclear weapons by 2020.We have the power. We have the responsibility. We are the Obamajority. And we can abolish nuclear weapons. Yes we can.
Since 1945, Many countries have developed bombs that are hundreds or thousands of times more powerful that the Atom Bomb dropped during World War 2. It is feared that there will be nobody left in the World to celebrate victory in the event of a nuclear war.

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