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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Creation of the World by Josselyn


First there was Chaos, the inmmesurable Abyss, and then two children were born from it (Night and Erebus). Love was born from Darkness and Death. Love created Light and Day. 

The first creatures that appeared were Mother Earth and Father Heaven (Ouranus).The world was populated by huge monters, such as Cyclopes and creatures with fifty heads. Finally The Titans appeared.

One of them, Cronus, wounded his father Ouranus, and The Furies and Gigants were born from the blood.

Cronus dominated the universe with his sisiter Rhea. But one day Cronus had learned that his son would dethrone him, so he tried to kill his son.

However he failed, because a few minutes before, when Cronus was aproximating, Rhea changed his baby for a stone and  Cronus ate it. An eagle took the baby and left it safe, in an island at the back at the back of his father, Cronus. This baby called Zeus and it was powerful.

Time passed and the child became a man. He wanted revenge, so the war between The Gods and Titans began. Zeus conquered The Titans with the help of one of them, Prometheus. Zeus sent his conquered enemies to Tartarus and cleared the world of monters.

The World was finally cleared for the Age of Man.

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