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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Some great little ideas for saving the planet

 We must take care of this planet: it's the only one we've got and it's our source of life. If we damage it we put our own existence at risk.

Good news on the environment front: Earth can do it! So says the Washington Worldwatch Institute which examines the state of health of our planet every year. There are some signs that, even though the ecological crisis is not over, there are small improvements.

 People smoke less and use their cars less. Industries too are releasing fewer toxious substances into the environment. Nuclear testing has reduced ( and actural production is zero ) and commitment to clean energy has increased.

People's daily attitudes show that environmental matters are considered of great importance. These are comforting facts, but much remains to be done to combat the destruction of the forests, the disappearance of some animal species and the increasing temperature of the Earth. And, today, there's a big threat from rising population.

It's becoming too great for a planet where food sources are becoming ever scarcer. So, there's only a small glimmer of optimism, but at least it gives us hope for a better future.

In spite of this, our environment is in real danger. A high level of pollution exists now on the land, in water and in the air. Every day we can see it, feel it and almost touch it...

There is however, something each one of us can do, in our own small way, to improve this state of affairs and try to stop this phenomenon. Above all it's important to carefully separate rubbish. In thhis way, the different types can be recycled to create "alternative" and even more economical products. With recycled plastic, for instance, you can make many things: from benches for public gardens to spare parts for cars, from boats to the latest watches and "green" telephones.

Another measure we can take is to use ecological products which respect the environment and don't contribute to its downfall. The symbol you see down these lines, for example, shows that it's printed on paper whitened without using chlorine. Chlorine in fact, contains dioxins and is one of the main causes of water pollution.

Only an environment-conscious attitude and small steps we take today can guarantee a tomorrow for our planet.

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