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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New year in Portugal by Diego Cameirao


      New Year in Portugal

In Portugal there are a lot of celebrations, and all different. The symbol of that celebration here is the fire.

On Christmas Eve there are bonfires. If the tree trunk is big and the incineration is hard-wearing, it means a very good beginning year. At afternoon, families join to dinner. At dinner, they eat turkey, octopus and codfish.
On Christmas, at 25th of December, there are family gatherings, and Christmas Father or as it is called here `Pai Natal´ brings presents for children that behave good during the year.
On New Year´s Eve, also, at dinner, families eat the same at the Christmas Eve. At 12 pm, they eat twelve raisins, while they burn a tree trunk.
Other habits are on Christmas Eve, people go to the `Misa del gallo´ and kiss the Jesus´ feet.
In Madeira `Lapinha´ is the Queen of the celebration. It is a type of `Belén´.
On 19th, the orchestra Gulbenkian play music like Mozart and Bach.
Finally, in all the sites of Portugal, you can celebrate some different festivities where you can´t bore.
In that celebration, you can learn a lot of traditions and you have a lot of fun.

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