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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The iberian linx is of the cat family and his characteristic are: his long legs, his short tail, his pointed ears whit black tip and his whiskers that all from their cheeks.

It is in danger of extincion.Spain and Portugal are the main protectors of this animal. The causes of extintion are three:
-excesive hunting.
-the destruction of their habitat.
-the lack of rabits.

Besides. if the problems continue, the iberian linx will be extinct within 10 or 20 years and future people won't be able to see this animal.

The solution to this:
the captive breeding program. In a place where they can live also ensure shotterm conservation of the species genetic material.
Create the medium end long term.
new iberian linx population through reintroduction programes.
cover the space requirements of the breeding program.
incorporate adequate facilities for breeding and maintenanace of copies of the iberian linx but even so we could help in another way not to disappeare, for example, don't hunt, etc.

in my opnion, we all have to watch the nature and all living species share it. I can convice people to protec the enviroment and we aren't going to destroy it and protec those who live in it.

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