Good Afternoon, dear Osasunists! Here we are, another Saturday evening of football at the Reyno de Navarra stadium. Of course, the reason for this event is a "supermatch" against another "superteam" as F.C. Barcelona is.
Remember that this season Osasuna always play against the team the White Team played the previous week, and usually that team is defeated and almost humilliated by the White team. But this weekend is not the case as the best team in the world ( no matter they lost the last Final in the Champions League ) is the rival of Osasuna.
I already talked about Pep's team last year, when they visited the Reyno de Navarra stadium on 31st October, an important date for me. As many other coaches, Guardiola had to change their way of plying as the other teams had already studied their tactics a lot. But Guardiola's psicho is much witter than Camacho's, whose encouragement to his players may have been disappeared on 11th July in South Africa. ( see the video below ).
If I have to talk about the game itself, there are many things to talk about F.C.Barcelona, and few things about Osasuna. Perhaps, the only good thing about the weather problems and now the Air Controllers Strike may help Osasuna players as it can affect the concentration of Barça players.
Barça is already classified to next leg in Champions League, so that situation won't interfere in their play, and in fact, they have another opportunity to increase their gap between the White team and themselves.
Not only that "Iniesta de mi vida" is the problem for Camacho, as Pep's team is very powerful from Victor Valdes to Messi, and as I said on last Monday article, one of their most powerful characteristic is that most of their players are World Champion and they are players from the base teams in Barcelona, they grew up with the philosophy of the Catalonian team.
I remember that Osasuna could face those same characteristics in the past, when Maradona's Barça visited El Sadar, but it seems that Camacho can't communicate as he could in the World Championship Final, and that feeling of "YES,WE CAN", which not only is property of Obama's speech, but that feeling must be part of any human being who believe in oneself and is convinced that their effort and sacrifice can help to defeat the strongest man in the world, as David could defeat Goliath, as the legend say.The situation in the classification helps Camacho, but I still say that Camacho and Izco are the people to change in Osasuna, and we need new ideas in our club to improve and mark the philosophy of Osasuna, like Guardiola and Laporta in F.C. Barcelona.
Gora Osasuna!Aupa Rojillos!
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