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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

La leyenda de el castillo de Dunstanburgh

Legend has it that horrible day in a storm, and plagued by lightning, the knight Sir Guy the Seeker sought refuge, with his horse, in the ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle. There appeared a sorcerer who urged him to follow him to a place where he would be rewarded with a look of luminous beauty.
The gentleman did so, and after descending a spiral staircase winding stopped in a huge room. In the room he found a hundred men with their steeds, all asleep. But what attracted the attention of Sir Guy was a glass case at the center of the room, within which lay peacefully asleep the most beautiful maiden he had ever seen. Some say that the shrine was guarded by two huge snakes, others have the guardian of the girl was an evil gargoyle.
The sorcerer was the knight with a sword and a horn, explaining that only the correct choice of one of the two objects could save the queen. After thinking briefly Sir Guy chose the horn sounded quickly. Instantly a hundred men pounced on him aroused. Before the event, and as he heard a voice constantly repeating that he had made the wrong choice, the knight fainted. When he regained consciousness he was lying at the foot of the castle entrance.
From that moment he decided to look to her and not stop to it and to save it. But searched and searched but not found, and so the years passed and finally died alone and desolate.
It is said that in the days of storm, when thunder sounds, the waves break suddenly into the stones of the castle and the wind howls loudly, Sir Guy's ghost roams the hallways and austere spiral winding staircase of the castle ruins search of the beautiful lady who could not save. They say that in those days you can hear the anguished cry of the beautiful lady calling *.

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