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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Barça, Osasuna and other Holy Topics

Hi, dear Osasunists! I hope you are having, as I am still, a good holiday and if they are over, think that summer is round the corner.
Due to that time I didn't send my weekly article, but here I am. I could watch the match on T.V. , though I later thought that I could have enjoy a day in Barcelona on Saint George's Day, a famous day in Catalonia, England and Spain.

The match was quite disappointing for us, the Osasunists, as the team played quite well against the possible winner of the League, but remember that this week was quite frustrating for Barça supporters as they lost the Copa del Rey final.

Osasuna is now in a very difficult situation as the results on Sunday and Monday may lead them to relegation posts. Next match home will be a key game to find a survival for the season.
Enjoy Easter!
Gora Osasuna!Aupa Rojillos!

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