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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Everything is admitted

Hello, dear Osasunists! Today we have a derby in our stadium: The Reyno de Navarra stadium. We are visited by our "brothers" from Bizkaia, Athletic de Bilbao. As usual, we have read, listened and watched volumes of comments from both sides. But I would like to start my weekly article with "the other" match of the week. Remember that our derby coexists with "the match of the century": Barça-Madrid, this time at Santiago Bernabeu stadium. It was yesterday, but it depicted everyone. I'm not interested in talking about the match, but Mou's attitude, which I'm going to connect to Gurpegui's. It's the reason of my title. Everything is accepted, anybody can say whatever they come out their mind, and no matter it's offensive or aggresive for the rival or other people's job. To begin with, the Portuguese coach decided not to talk to the media last Friday, which is uncommon and offensive for the proffessional journalists who follow both team, Madrid and Barça, and overall is against education. This blog, as you know, originated for an educational purpose, but one of the subjects is football. It is hard for me to go back on Monday to my school and tell my students to answer my questions and behave themselves to respect the other's expression. One of his "heroes" is the coach of Real Madrid and they "learn" much from their idols. On the other hand, his response after the match yesterday was to divert his attitude with another dishonest attitude, so next time my students'parents want to talk to me I will tell themm to talk my wife or my school director. The second issue is Gurpegui's comments. Maybe he is right, but he mustn't say that. I explain myself. When somebody talks about your family and critizes them, I'm sure you'll defend them with your hands, if neccesary, but you'll probably try to correct them if your family misbehaved. That's what happened with Gurpegui. He has never played for Osasuna, he's Navarrian, but he can only say his opinion about our team: Osasuna. But he should keep quiet as he is the player of another team and one of the most hatred rivals of Osasuna. My friend and I have always talked bad about those people who work for Osasuna to search for new players in our land or other "countries". There are many examples of their "mistakes" and the price Osasuna had to pay for them. And part of Izco's reply was right too, as I said, but he should think of their politics and change it. It deserves to pay a better salary to people you breed than to buy a foreign player and give them a huge amount of money ( or a coach, like Camacho ). Well, I have extended so far...I'm going to finish. My only pain for the game this afternoon is to see how many Navarrian players will be on the side of Athletic and I am sure it wouldn't cost a lot to keep some of them in Osasuna. Gora Osasuna!Aupa Rojillos!

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