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Monday, December 3, 2012

Beñat: myself, my free time and my house


My name is Beñat and today I'm going to introduce myself in this blog.

I live in Txantrea, a little neighborhood of Iruña (Navarre). I am 15 years old and I study at Salesianos Pamplona high school, at the moment, I'm working pretty well and I do all my homework.

I feel pretty well because I met very nice people and the teachers, especially the English teacher are very good and nice people.

In my free time to play I do a lot of differents things: play sports, play at the play station and I work or read too.

My house is very big, it has got 107m2. The house has got 3 bedrooms,two toilets and one kitchen. To begin with, my home as an inlet whith two wooden doors. When you enter at the house, you find a very big sofa and a table.
In front of the sofa, is the tv on a very big table.
Next to the tv is the kitchen door. The kitchen is small and long,and next to the kitchen is the garden.

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