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Friday, November 8, 2013

Chinese and Spanish celebration of New Year!

In China they celebrate New Year in a different way as we do. The clothes of Chinese people are red, because they think that the red color transmits good luck. The food is sweet and delicious because the Chinese people thik that the New Year will be sweeter.

This celebration is very big, colorful, etc. In Spain the New Year and the last day of the year (31 of december) people wear costumes and they go out to get a happy day. Twelve seconds after twelve o'clock some bells sart dinging, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding until twelve o'clock.

At night there is a supertition as if you don't eat the twelve grapes you will have an unclucky year. All the young people that night, after twelve, have got a nice night with drinks, parties, things like these to have a great night.

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