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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Real Mandril vs. F.C.Barcelona, a different game in Europe

Good morning, everyone!You know most of my articles are about English culture worldwide and many other articles are about football and my favourite team: C.A. Osasuna. But, at least, twice a year I always write about another traditional confrontation in the Spanish League: Barça-Madrid and reverse.

I had a look to my previous articles and I realized that this derby was on 29th November last year. Therefore, there is another tradition that this game must be played before Christmas.

There are some differences from last year. First, I must say that the team from the capital of Spain is ahead in the classification ( 6 points and 1 less match played, due to El Mundialito ). That should be a handicap for Barça.

Besides, I have to congratulate Mou for his behaviour's change. It's said that the chairman of the club, Florentino Perez, conditioned his support to Mourinho with the promise of more politeness and education in his public interviews and comments. He accomplished, but he is still a bit arrogant and he didn't confront the international media press in the previous hours to the match and Karanka, the second coach, answer the questions.

I still have to honour Guardiola and Barça, because they still play a great football with the same team structure for the last four years, while Real Madril have changed their team structure during the same number of years. Even when they are below their rivals they still keep their speech and talk with education about the players and coaches of the white club team.
I hope at the end of the match tonight the difference between both teams was narrow, so I desire that Barça win.
Gora Barça!Aupa Guardiola!

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