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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

29th Febraury, Ladies Privilege in Ireland and Leap Year

If you take a look at your calendar you'll notice that the days of February run to 29 this year. That's because of course 2012 is a leap year and according to Irish tradition February 29th is the day when women may propose to men. This is known as ‘Ladies Privilege' and the tradition in Ireland has its origins in the legends of Ireland's Saints; St Bridget and St Patrick, after Bridget urged Patrick to allow women the right to propose. Patrick refused but later agreed to allow Ladies Privilege once every seven years, Bridget bartered him down to four and the tradition was established. Here it is the story! In the 5th century St Bridget from Ireland complained to St Patrick about women having to wait for the men to propose. So according to legend St Patrick replied that on the 29th February women can propose to the man of her choice. The right for women to propose on this date goes back many hundreds of years to when the leap year day had no recognition in English law so had no legal status. People assumed that tradition would also have no status on that day. It was also reasoned that the leap year was to fix a problem with the calendar so could be used to fix an old and unjust custom that only let men propose marriage. Bear in mind that Ireland is an ultra catholic country, and so it was in 5th century!! If your planning on popping the question or taking a romantic vacation in Ireland, what better place to start than Dublin. Ireland's capital city has charm, character and romantic landmarks such as Ha'penny Bridge, Croke Park and the burial place of St Valentine. It is a little known Dublin fact that in 1836, the relics of St Valentine were brought to Dublin and are kept in the Shrine of St Valentine at the Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church, a short walk from St Stephen's Green. What better place to be this St Valentine's Day? So ladies, if you're tired of waiting to here the question, why not pop it yourself and take advantage of ladies privilege this year with a trip to some of the romantic places in Ireland? And gentlemen - remember if you were to get hitched on February 29th you only have to remember your anniversary once every four years!

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