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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mallorca-Osasuna, the ensaimada game

Good afternoon, dear Osasunists! Today the match of our team is on Saturday afternoon, almost at a siesta time or the time to play cards with friends and have a patxaran! But, maybe as the coach Mendilibar says Osasuna players will come back to Pamplona defeated and with the famous Ensaimada cakes in their luggage. To start with, Mallorca, the city and the club, dream of being in the situation Osasuna is. At the beginning of this season, Mallorca C.D. prepared a team to get UEFA positions and to avoid any problem to stay in La Liga de las Estrellas, but in the middle of the season they fired their former coach and hired the famous Andalusian coach Joaquin Caparros. If we talk about figures, they are on the side of Mallorca. Osasuna have only won once this season, and the last two games at Sant Moix stadium the result was the same ( 2-0 ) for home players. There are also two records to beat for the Balearian team: to score the goal 700 as a First Division team and another personal for Caparros, to achieve his 150 victory as a coach in La Liga. Both teams have improved lately. Mallorca won home against Vilarreal ( 4-0 ) and they are strong at their stadium, but they don't have a strong team, a normal kickoff team for every game. On the other hand, Osasuna, though their great position in La Liga, have only won in Barcelona against Espanyol, but they assume that if Osasuna win in Mallorca, they will go on the top of the classification and make sure to keep in First Division for next season, so they can have further objectives. There are also lots of absences in this game due to injures or red cards. Tomás Pina can't play for Mallorca, therefore Tissone and Martí will lead their team. On their side, Osasuna lost for the rest of the season to one of his new strikers: Lekic, and Ibrahima for two weeks because of injures. Our captain, Patxi Puñal was expelled against Granada last weekend, and must miss his fifth match in his career for that reason. Anyway, as Osasuna's coach said: "We never cry out for our absent". There are other good players to face with the rival and get a broader differnce with Mallorca. Osasuna is 7th in La Liga with six points ahead Mallorca and 10 points from the first team in relegation posts. Let's increase those figures this afternoon, rojillos!!! Gora Osasuna! Aupa Rojillos!

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