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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

An email from abroad

Hi Juan!

Greetings from Paris, France. I'me here with my cousin in a school trip. I've never been in a city with so amazing history before and I love it.

We've been here for six days now and we've walked along almost the whole city. We've visited the Eiffel tower, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Louvre Museum and many other places.

The weather is not bad, though it is a bit cold. When we come to Paris it began to snow, and didn't stop for one day, but now the weather is nice.

We're staying in a three-stars hotel, where we've known very pleasant people who have helped us and have guided us through the city. I've also bought a few collections, but I will buy more and will take them for you.

I've recorded many videos that I will show you when we return.

See you in five days.


- Christmas accident -

It happened on Christmas Eve a year ago at my aunt's house. My family and I travelled to her home to celebrate the holidays in a very cold night.

When we arrived home we saw that was big and had a large garden, then out of the car and entered directly. All night we enjoyed the Christmas and slept very late and we were a little nervous, because the next day we opened gifts.

After having slept for many hours we finally wake up and went into the living room to see our gifts. We surprised very much, not for the presents, but for the snow that covered most of the garden and prevented us from going outside. We all were surprised, and we had no choice but to wait for the snow disappear. It had been an impressive snow fall.

They spent two days until we could leave and return to our own, but after all It was a good Christmas.

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