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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Osasuna-Getafe, the salvation game

Good evening Osasunists! When the last weekend games just finished yesterday with the usual Monday match, Osasuna and Getafe start a new period this evening, the spring I mean, at the old Sadar. Both teams are seeking the same target which is the salvation to perhaps swap it for a higher objective which is to go to Europe next season! Both coaches still have the same speech in the media, as they want to calm down the euforia in both supporter lines and papers. Actually, there are more than three points to win this evening! If a team wins, they will get the desiderd 42 points that make sure to keep in First Division another year. However, it has been said that amount of points is enough but it is not the same every year! Perhaps, due to the huge distance from the bottom posts this year might be a good number to mantain in the famous Liga de las Estrellas. Bu Getafe's coach, Garcia, has marked that they had to struggle to save their position in the last games last year after getting more than 42 points. There are good news for Osasuna this evening. Leka, who was supposed to miss the rest of the season, is back to the reds bench. Dejan Kekic got injured at the end last February, but he got over very quickly from his injuried arm. Miguel Flaño is also back after being suspended for yellow cards, so it is time to rest for players like Echaide or Sergio, more for the laister than the former. Sergio was part of a "joke" in Mendilibar's words, referrong to his age and his need of resting. The old Sadar stadium is not a bad stadium for Getafe as they have always obtained some points in their seven visits in First Division. Osasuna won twice, there were two draws and the "blues" got all the points three times. There has been another draw this season with two goals from the scorers Güiza and Ibrahima. At least, we hope there will be as many goals this evening as in that match. Kickoff teams! Gora Osasuna! Aupa Rojillos! CA Osasuna: Andrés Fernández; Marc Bertrán, Roversio, Miguel Flaño, Damia; Puñal, Nekounam; Álvaro Cejudo, Raúl García, Lamah; and Nino. Getafe CF: Moya; Valera, Cata Díaz, Alexis, Mane; Míchel, Lacen; Pedro Ríos, Barrada, Diego Castro; and Miku.

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