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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Zaragoza-Osasuna, a football break at St. Patrick's Day

Good afternoon, dear Osasunists! After last weekend match against Athletic de Bilbao, there is another derby away. This time is against Real Zaragoza, a team which is in a dangerous urgent situation in the League. From the very beginning of the season, the team of the river Ebro city is at the bottom of the classification. Nevertheless, Zaragoza is still able to reverse their position as the salvation post is nine points ahead, though they have lost their last four games. Not only the classification is a problem for the club in Zaragoza, but also their chairman is a problem himself! Most of their supporters can't stand Agapito Iglesias any longer! He is more than a dictator like Francisco Franco, but he is also a manipulator in his club, as he is considered to get more power in the club if possible! On the other hand, our club, Osasuna, is in his best moment since the beginning of this 2011/12 season! We are 6th in the League and struggling for a post in Champions! After defeating this week most praised team in Europe, Athletic de Bilbao, Osasuna is in the way to obtain a post to go to Europe next season, in the same competition like Real Madrid and Barça, the Champions League! Osasuna must take advantage of the critical situation of their rival, the anxiety that there is in the city for a victory, the anger the Zaragoza supporters have against their chairman, and the fact that six teams out of twelve got the three points from La Romareda stadium! Zaragoza spent a lot of money in the winter market when most of the clubs are suffering from the widely known crisis that also affected the football in Spain. They signed national and international players like defender Pablo Álvarez, midfielder Apoño and Dujmovic and the former forward from Osasuna, Aranda. Remember there was an also well known and admired trainer in Zaragoza until last January, our missed "vasco" Aguirre, who was replaced by former Sevilla F.C. coach, Manolo Jimenez. Osasuna is still thinking of getting the needed points to mantain the post in First Division. If Osasuna gets the victory this afternoon-evening, they will have 41 points. Enough points to make sure they will be next season in the so called Liga de las Estrellas! Osasuna players are thrilled after their victory against the hatred Bilbao, and they know, we, the supporters do not like Zaragoza as we used to. And they are aware of their opportunity to change target in this moment of the season. A very motivating Europe League or Champions is waiting for them!! There have been many amazing words and comments for a coach like Bielsa, but Osasuna have a coach from Bizkaia, a former Athletic coach, who in spite of a doubtful start and a mistaken comment, Mendilibar is doing very well in Pamplona! He must form a team with several injured players, overall in the forward positions, but he has even encouraged young players like Raoul or Manu Onwu, from the club youth team! Besides, he is going to call a long time injured player like Echaide who might have some minutes to play in Zaragoza after two years without wearing football boots!
Finally, we must remmber that even when there are some links in both cities from families ( I have relatives in Zaragoza ) to banks ( there might be a bank fussion between Banca Civica from Pamplona and Ibercaja from Zaragoza ), ther is also a deep hate in both hooligan supporters, Ligallo and Indar Gorri! I talked about hooloigans this week, and I still think of those groups to be a cancer for the brotherhood of the football idea and it is a pity for many of us who may want to have a good day in a nearby city and enjoy our craze, but due to some crazy violent people we must stay at home and watch the match through the computer or pay-per-view channels!
Zaragoza 1 Osasuna 3 por jordixana Gora Osauna! Aupa Rojillos!

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