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Friday, November 22, 2013

Karen's Introduction

Hello, my name is Karen Gissela. I was born in Ecuador but I live in Pamplona since I was 10 years old. I have two sisters, two brothers.
I grew up with my uncles. From the time I was born, my father left me six months and went to the USA and married his wife, with who
I do not speak much.

In Pamplona I live with my mother and a caregiver, but when I lived in Ecuador I grew up with a cousin a couple of months till she decided to send me with my mom. Then, my mom gave him the power to my caregiver. She is now an assistant in Costa Rica.
A while ago I was studying in a boarding school for a few months in Galicia. I arrived in Pamplona and I am now studying at Salesianos School.
I would like to be a physiotherapist. It is something I like very much. I don't have a favourite sport, but if I could, I would do muay thai is something I like and relaxes me.


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