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Tuesday, February 26, 2019



Paulo Londra is a singer. He sings solo.

In the first picture, Palulo looks casual. He is wearing a black jumper  and a nacklace around his neck. I think he's going to a concert.

In the second picture, Paulo Londra is singing with "piso 21". Their clothes are for partying. Paulo is wearing a green jumper and a hat, blue jeans with broken knees and a black and white shoes. I think they go to party.

In the third picture, he is in a photo session. He's wearing a hoooded jumper and a blue jacket, black troursers and blue and white shoes. In this picture he looks serious.

Resultado de imagen de paulo londra cuerpo entero
Resultado de imagen de paulo londra
Resultado de imagen de paulo londra with piso 21

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