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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tsunami in Mexico

Some years ago, my family and I went on holidays to Mexico and we were in a hotel near the coast.

In the hotel we usually watched the TV news but they didn’t say anything dangerous and we stayed very well during a week. But suddenly, one day we saw through the window a very big wave but the people didn’t think that it was a tsunami, so they continued with their lives.

However, the wave was bigger each day and all the people were very frightened. In the news they said that it was a possible tsunami and very strong. The fireman told that the people, who lived on the coast, must go to the centre of the city. My family and I went to the airport by car, very fast because all the coast was covered with water.

The police said that the tourists must come back to their country for security because it was very dangerous to stay there. We took a plane to Pamplona without the bags because they were in the hotel.

When we arrived to Pamplona, we told the story to our friends and family and they were very surprised.

By: Itziar

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