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Monday, January 10, 2011

the child and the pijama of lines

Bruno is a 9 year old boy who lives in Berlin with his parents, his sister and the maid, Mary. One day when I get home after school, the maid was collecting their things were moving. No one had said anything before and Bruno was very sad because that would entail not see her three best friends for life anymore, or lower over the railing, or see the grandparents ... His father had to do an important job and that was the reason for the move, would live in "Auchviz."

When Bruno saw his new home for the first time was amazed, it was much smaller than its previous home, was very sad and very cold, it was clear he did not like but I had to get used to the idea. The days passed and Bruno was bored do not know that one day they built a swing. Kotler asked the officer to get him a tire and was built, but Bruno was playing when he fell and the only person who was around to help was a servant who gave them food. Struck up a conversation with the child, he had been a doctor before getting there. Later came the mother of Bruno and she thanked the servant, but the commander would say that she was cured.

The child does not know what to do to avoid boredom and later walked and walked through that fence he saw from the window of his room, he wanted to know how far away it was a shadow and as it approached, it got bigger when I get to point saw the other side of the fence to a child.

Bruno and the boy began to talk. Called Shmuel, a strange name for Bruno. Children and Bruno became friends every afternoon going up there, until that point in the fence where his new friend. Never say anything in the house of the existence of Shmuel because he believed that they would not take it home and he did not want to lose the only person I could be entertained in that place because his sister Gretel is not whatgood time.

Throughout the time Bruno went on "Auchviz" the only thing that made the two boys were talking and everyone was on one side of the fence. They talked about the different lives they lead, Shmuel hair was shaved and he wore the same pajamas, striped pajamas, not that it would have gone very well in there, but Bruno was not aware of many things, such as that your friend does not 'going really well in there and only cared about himself.

After a year, Bruno's mother decided it was time to return to Berlin, its new home.Return all but the commander. When they gave the news to Bruno got a little sad. Ala following evening it rained heavily and the child is not afraid to say goodbye to Shmuel but finally the rain stopped and made the same way you always there. Shmuel previous day was not his father and asked for help from Bruno. Bruno loved playing the scouts when I was in Berlin and had never played together as he promised to help find her father so she took Shmuel striped pajamas as he was wearing and the hollow beneath the Bruno got wired to the world of Shmuel. They moved into the field and a group of armed men were to them, they thought Bruno was afraid they would catch him in there but his friend told him that would soon pass. They were taken to a room, they were all stuck close together and the people were as frightened and Bruno did not understand, everything would soon ...

Bruno never came home. The next day everyone stop looking for the child without the mother did not return to Berlin waiting for news but hopefully one day if he did the only Bruno had returned. The commander made his day to day, the antipathy of the soldiers, I kept thinking about his son. One day he came to the place where they found the clothes of her son and seeing the place that had noticed the hole under the fence.Legs failed him and he ended up sitting on the floor.

Some time later some soldiers were after him, and did not care what you do

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