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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Comentario de película

The Shining is a horror film that is a man who moves to a hotel in a faraway place with his wife and son. E hotel has a curse that everyone living in that hotel is closed in winter when he goes crazy. The man said that he was not going to go crazy, but as time passed without realizing it was going crazy. His son saw visions of two girls by the hotel when he was on the tricycle, which were killed at the hands of her father years ago when I took care of the hotel. In the end the father goes crazy and chases his wife and son to kill them. Hulle child in the woods and back on his tracks to shake off his father, the father if the GUE to the child in front and manages to flee. Eventually the mother and the son of man flee in a kind of tractor. NEXT Aldia muet man was found frozen as an ice cube.

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