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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloween by Ibai


Halloween is a party that normaly is celebrated in the USA.It is celebrated on 31 of October.

People usually do typical things like: going to costume parties, visiting hauting atracttions... It's a good tradition, but I don´t like it, because it is a festival that Americans brought and I don´t like.

How I said, I don´t like, therefore I don´t celebrate. I get up and at Halloween day I usually go to my granparents' house to have lunch with my family, that they don´t celebrate Halloween either.

We have lunch and then we all go together to the old part of Pamplona in the afternoon.

We have dinner in the old part and when we are sleepy, we all go back to my
granparents' to go to bed.

Here you have a video!!

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