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Monday, December 3, 2012

Gorka: myself and my routines

Hi my name is Gorka and I am 14 years old and I liked fishing with my friends.

I usually wake up at half past seven and have breakfast and .Then I go with my father in his car. Then I arrive at the school and I enter at eight o'clock and I finish at two o'clock and when I arrive home, I have lunch.

When I finish lunch, I watch tv from four o'clock until five o'clock.Then I go to my uncle's house to do my English homework. Then I go to my house to have a shower,  then I have dinner and I go to sleep.

In the weekend, on Saturday I go cycling with my friends to the mountain, then we go to do leaps with bikes and later I go to have lunch with my family.
On Sunday we go to my uncle's house to go to pick mushrooms.

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