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Sunday, February 24, 2013

A recipe of pancakes and chocolate milkshakes by Gorka Leon

Today I will make pancakes,chocolate milkshake.


Well you need  flour, milk and eggs.

The first step is to pour milk in a bowl, then add the eggs and the flour and beat everything in a blender.

The second step when the mixture is ready you grab the mixture with a ladle and pour into a pan and fry for a minute and turn right till it is brown,  remove to a plate and spread chocolate or whatever you want to eat with them.

The third step is to pour the sauce you want over and ready.


Well you need milk, chocolate, cream and a cherry.

The first step is  to heat the chocolate and milk also

The second step is to mix the milk chocolate and then put in a large glass, add the cream and the cherry on top, add a straw and ready.

The third stept is to drink the chocolate milkshake.

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