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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

MEDUSA by Josselyn Sarango


Medusa was a beautiful woman and the priestess of the Atenea temple. But when she was raped for Poseidon, the angry goddess converted her hair in snakes. Medusa has converted, everybody who look her eyes, in stone statues since then.
So now these is de story of Medusa´s dead:

After Atenea transformed Medusa in a monster, the goddess learned that the
treacherous was pregnant, so Atenea decided to kill her. She sent Perseo, and
although he was powerful, it was a complicated job. He had the help of Atenea, Hermes and Hades, because they gave winged sandals, helmet of invisibility, a sword and a shield with a mirror. This hero was looking The Gayas, to ask they where is The Gorgonas cave and when he was there, he fulfilled his job. When Medusa tried to convert Perseus in a statue, he avoided the attack and cut the monter´s head. Pegasus and Crisaor, the giant, were born from the blood. After this Atenea used the head to protect herself in all the wars.

This is only one of the lots of stories about the bizarre creature. Many people fell victim of Medusa and assessinated powerful warriors. The Greek citizens say that sometimes they hear the howl creature. 

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