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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Carnival in Ambato-Ecuador by Josselyne Sarango

It was a spectacular day in the west of Ecuador. The sun was shining and a slow breeze toured the room. I had been to San Pedro, my village, for a month, and my journey coincided with the carnival festival.

My village isn´t very big and no more than 200 habitants live there. Here The Carnival is the most important celebration, and during 2 days (2ª and 3ª March) all the village comes alive.

So in those days I wanted to see all the different parades, costumes and fireworks. That morning after I had got up and I was ready to go to the square, my little cousin, Dilan threw me an enormous water balloon. I dried while he was laughing.

After a while, he explained me that it is a habit to throw water to the people in carnival, and if I had known that joke, I would have done to it. In the afternoon we went to a big city (I don´t remember the name). All the streets were full, and music sounded all around. Suddenly many floats appeared in front of me and many dancers started to dance. The rhythm was so infectious that in a few minutes I was dancing too. The hours passed quickly, until the time to return home came.

When I returned home I saw in the night sky a lot of colourful fireworks and lights. That day was very special. If I hadn´t been there, I would have lost another culture.

Some years later I discovered that the place that I had been was Ambato, the capital of Carnivals in Ecuador. It´s typical to see the fruits and flowers parades and the craft fairs.

It is the most beautiful Carnival celebration that I have ever seen.

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