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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The woman buried alive

One daughter of a family was very ill. One day she was fainting and her parents took her to the doctor and he said she was dying after he checked a lot of analysis.
The parents cried when they heard the bad news and they buried her in a new cemetery.

An undertaker watched all the cemetery, but one day he heard a stranges noises behind the ground, he thought it was an halucination because he drank beer the previous day.
The next day in the morning he recalled the noises last night, he knew what coffin was, and called her family.

When the family arrived, he explained them what happened that night. He asked for the family if he could open the coffin. The family gave the authorization and opened the coffin.
In the coffin there was the girl with the bloody nails, and the coffin was very grated.

Finally the family came to the conclusion that the daughter wasn´t dead, she was just fainted, but there wasn´t any heart beats!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

que mal echo

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