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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The legend of the seven vampires

Hi!Today I´m speaking about The Legend of the Seven Vampires.In Romania, some vampires were living and they killed people with their teeths.

First, in Siret, in the frontier three soldiers were going with an elderly man to find hay in a wagon. They went to a house of a kind woman.They went into the kitchen and the woman gave them a bowl of corn and she went on doing some things of the house.

Then the soldiers and the elderly man were trying to find the woman but they couldn´t so,they went upstairs to the attic and suddenly, they saw the body of the woman was on the flour!She was dead with other six bodies.

After that the soldiers and the elderly man ran to the street and they were driving when the white and frightening bodies of the vampires were running behind of the men and they killed the soldiers and the man.

Finally, the tradition says that you may meet these vampires in the frontier.

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