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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A story about an accident- Chrismas

This is a story about my last Christmas hollyday:
The story starts on a cold, beautiful and a covered of snow day in Navarra (15th December). I was very excited.
I packed all my winter clothes and a few other things in my fathers car. Were going to visit Valencia.
We were familiar with the area, so we took a shortcut throught a country road. My father was drivin along in the car when two of our tyres burst. Within minutes it started raining heavily. My father tried to send a SOS message to somebody or to the police, but the mobile phone hadn´t got coverage!!. So we decide to get into the car. We had some food for the travel, but not for four or more days and two bottles: one with Coke and the other with mineral water.
So, the days passed and we ran out of food and drink. We were very unhappy and scared...were going to lost Christmas... and we started writing goodbye letters to our family and friends. And one morning, we heard a police car, because it had the alarm! We knew we were safe. We felt happy and proud ourselves. We managed to survive for ten days in our car in two navour metres, thanks for our patience and survival skills...
But the story don´t ends there, because I passed ( finally) Christmas in the hospital!! It was funny.

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