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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Real Zaragoza-Osasuna, the season-course starts

Good morning, dear Osasunists and followers! After a long summer break, we start a new season with a derby against Real Zaragoza, our estimated-hatred "neighbours" in the south. There have been four games before and Osasuna only got one point out twelve, and that was last Sunday against Mallorca. The football season has just started, but our team is under many doubts from the supporters, though many football journalists say that Osasuna play a good game. Today is a good moment to show their best and cheer up their supporters and hooligans in Zaragoza. Hooligans!!! That is a main problem for both chairmen, in Zaragoza and Pamplona. After the nationalists debate in Catalonia and some riots in AUgust, it is supposed to be a clushing afternoon in Zaragoza between Ligallos and Indargorris. THere will be many people to watch the match: families, children,.... football lovers! And I hope nothing wrong happens and police officers don't have to take part in the event! Talking about football itself, Osasuna got points in their last four visits to La Romareda stadium, and last year it was a draw ( 1-1 ). If we talk about today players in Osasuna, Mendilibar can use any of his players in the team except for Llorente, who was sent out last game against Mallorca, Patxi Puñal who got a penalty of three games and some injured like Beltran. Kickoff teams ZARAGOZA: Roberto; Sapunaru, Alvaro, Paredes, Abraham; Apoño, Movilla o José Mari, Romaric o Zuculini; Edu Oriol, Postiga and Montañés. OSASUNA: Andrés Fernández; Oier Sanjurjo, Arribas, Miguel Flaño, Nano; Annan, Timor; Cejudo, Armenteros, Sisi; y Kike Sola. GORA OSASUNA!AUPA ROJILLOS!

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