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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Superstition in Spain by Mikel itoiz

In Spain people belive in a lot of superstitions and in this writing I am going to explain some superstitions.

A famous superstition is to break a mirror. It is a symbol of unlucky for seven years.
Other people think that the yellow colour is unlucky and they don´t wear clothes of that colour.

I am superstitious because I touch wood when I don´t want bad luck. In my family the favourite superstition is to eat twelve grapes on New year´s Eve. My family thinks that this superstition brings good luck.

Another superstition is seeing a black cat. if the cat comes to you, you will have good luck  but if the cat gets away from you, you´ll have bad luck.

These are the most famous superstitions in Spain.

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