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Monday, November 18, 2013

The creation of the world by Mikel Itoiz

First there was Chaos and he had two children: Night and Erebus. Love was born from Darkness and Death, and then Light and day appeared. The first creatures were Gaia and Ouranus. there were monsters in the world and Titans.

When Cronus wounded his father Ouranos, he ruled the Universe with his sister-queen Rhea. But Cronous heard that one of his children would dethrone him in the future. So Cronus decided to imprison his children in his stomach.

But Rhea wanted to save a child. so she told an eagle to take the baby to an island. When Zeus grew up he decided to help his brothers and to lock the Titans forever with the help of one of them. There was war between the Gods and the Titans and Prometeus helped Zeus.

Zeus won the war and he sent his enemies to Tartarus and there weren´t any Titans in the world.

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