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Monday, November 9, 2009

Myself, Halloween and a description of a typical weekend

Hi!My name is Aitor.I´m thirteen years old.My country is Spain.My nationality is Spanish.I live in Rochapea in Pamplona.I like playing footbal,basketball and playing Wii. I wacht TV, do my homework, play computer,sleep a lot ,eat pizza and hamburgers.
At the weekend I usually ,go to the Salamanca and listen to the music rap. My dream is to drive a Formula Une, be rich, everiything is free and I have many cars

I usually celebrate Halloween characters in moviesI ,go to house and I take candies. I ,go to La Chantrea with my friend.I think about this way to celebrate joyfully the night of the dead,the rebirth of the undead.People dress up with scary trick-ranging in each house,scaring people and go to cemeteries.

On Friday evening I usually read a book,play Wii, go to the karate, play the PlayStaintion3 ,go to the school and go to the my house.On Saturday I usually play football with my friend,watch TV, go to the Chantrea, play Wii, study and do my homework.On Sunday evening I usually finish my homework, play Wii ,go to the Chantrea and finally I sleep in my bed in my house.

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