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Sunday, May 22, 2011

The end is here!

Last Saturday, on 22nd May, Osasuna and the Spanish League was about to come to an end, but I couldn't send my last article on time.
For those who I did not meet yet and you follow my blog, I really apologize.
To me, it was really important to follow our team, but my private life did not let me fulfill my hobby up to the start of the last game at 22.00 hours on Saturday itself.
I want to review my job this whole year and I must say that it has had brights and shadows for each article though you, and just you the reader have to give a final veredict.
As I have said before, private life and family is my real issue during the year and 2010-11 may be defined as a nightmare for me and some life projects have not reached to a happy end, what have influenced, overall, in the last two weekends, important for Osasuna, but even more important for me!
Anyway, I hope next season will be more successful for both Osasuna and myself and we both get our goals of the beginning of the year1
Have a nice break of football ( tough I may write an article about the Final of the Champions on Saturday )

Gora Osasuna!Aupa Rojillos!

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