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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The creation of the World by Diego Cameirao

The creation of the World - Greek Mythology

In first place, there was  Chaos, the vast  immeasurable abyss Oustrageous as a sea. After that, Night and Erebus were born from the Chaos. Love was born from Darkness and Death. After Love it comes Light and Day.

The first creatures that turn up are Mother Earth and Father Heaven. Earth was inhabited with Monsters, Cyclopes and Titans. Cronus ruled the universe with Rea, the Queen.

Cronus had learned that one of his children would dethrone him. Sofia, the mother, changes the baby with a rock to trick him, because Cronus wants to kill the baby, and an eagle takes him to hide him.
The child gets older in a cave. But. when he grows up, the war between the Gods and Titans began. Zeus with the help of Prometheus conquered the Titans.

Zeus sent the Titans to Tartarus and cleared the world of monsters. The World was finally cleared for the age of Man.

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