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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Butcher by Bryan

This story happened in a village in the United Sates. He had a poor family where the father was a very violent butcher, he always drank, the mother had a small mental problem and she always mistreated. they had a son, Oscar, his family was crazy but he was normal.
Every day the carnage of the father was worse and also its character and he also drank more and more. Oscar's dad became so mad that he killed his wife and prepared it in a soup. That night the father and Oscar ate dinner and Oscar asked: " Where's Mummy?". His father's reply was terrifying: she is in your belly, you just ate her. She was in the soup.

Those terrifying words upset the child and that night the father killed himself in the forest.
Last time Oscar crazy and decided to continue business of his father but now with human flesh, Oscar came out every night with his knife in search vagrants, he always killed the same, cut their belly and pulled their guts when still alive and then sold the meat.

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