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Friday, May 16, 2014

Art Museum in Chernigov by Tanya

                                  Art museum in Chernigov

Chernihiv Art Museum was founded in 1983 and is housed in a former women's gymnasium on the shaft.
 Before the revolution, the largest collection of works of fine art in Chernigov owned Ukrainian Museum of Antiquities Tarnovsky. In late 1896, this well-known Ukrainian patron of the arts brought to the city his collection, which included more than 70 portraits of Cossack, over 40 icons and folk paintings, about 15 thousand works of graphic art and sculpture, as well as the famous collection of more than 400 works, Shevchenko. About 600 paintings, graphic and sculptural works of Russian and Ukrainian artists XVII - XIX centuries, works of decorative art.
 Currently, the Chernihiv Art Museum, there are over five thousand items. In addition to easel painting, a collection of the museum includes an extensive collection of prints, sculptures and decorative art.

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