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Friday, May 16, 2014

Science Museum of San Sebastian by Christian Martinez

I have chosen the Science Museum of San Sebastian becuse in this museum there are some areas where you can do a lot of experiments and prove simulators, for example (Earthquake Simulator).

You can visit the planetary, where you can enjoy whit yourself whit a trip across the universe into a virtual experience in Super High Definitio(SHD) 3D.

The most awesome part of that museum is the mirrors laberynth which is the easiest way to get yourself lost. You can visit the museum.

It´s open from Monday to Friday. The price of the museum is 9€ for people who are from 18 to 64 years old and the price for other people is 6€. If you also want to go to the planetary the price increases 2€ from the basic price and if you only go to the planetary the price is 3,50€.

BIBLIOGRAPHY:      http://www.eurekamuseoa.es/es




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