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Friday, May 1, 2009

Osasuna-Recreativo, an unforgetable game

There are few important games as that one played against Recreativo nine years ago. Osasuna was in Second Division and they were struggling to get promoted, while Recreativo was trying to avoid being relegated to the so-called 2ºB division. Both teams had to win to achieve their goals, but only one of them would be successful.
It was a matter of life or death which didn't disappoint anyone.
During the first half of the match El Recre knew how to handle with Osasuna and the Reds didn't do a right thing for those 45 minutes. Therefore the team from Huelva got their first goal before the first 15 minutes, then it was the break and the locals didn't approach to Diezma, their goalkeeper.
El Sadar was nervous and silent. Nobody could think of getting promoted and there was a disappointing atmosphere as it seemed Osasuna would continue in second division once again.
Lotina, Osasuna coach, decided to be more aggresive as Osasuna started the second half with three forwards: Markovic, Trceziak and Ivan Rosado, who provoked a penalty and Pablo Orbaiz made history for Osasuna as he scored.
There was hope. Osasuna supporters started to believe in their dream: going back to First division after nine years in "hell" ( as Second Division was considered ).
That dream came true in the minute 65. Markovic kicked a corner, Mateo passed the ball back with his head and Miroslav Trzeciak finally scored. The stadium shouted at once. It was a delirium tremens, but there was half an hour left, the eternity. Time went on very slowly, but it was a fight against the clock. The glory was around the corner and after five extra minutes the referee Amilburu Santamaria whistled to enter in the history of the League.
Since then the matches between Osasuna and Recreativo make history.
Will this Sunday be another page? Osasuna or Recre? The hell is waiting! Let's make El Sadar/Reino de Navarra be the hell for Recreativo!

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