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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

On the Road

It was a very, very cold but sunny saturday morning in Pamplona and my family were very excited because we were going to the ski slope. Everybody packed ours skis and a few clothes in ours cars. We goes in two cars because we were many people.

My uncle was travelling with my cousins. He was the first car and he was guiding on the road. The travel lasted approximately an hour and a half past. But, suddenly, in the car in which I was travelling we lost them sight. Then we stopped and we are trying to call them, but the phone did not have coverage. We all feel very afraid, but we decided to wait. Fortunately, many other cars travelling in the same direction We decided to ask for help from a very nice family that stood by our side. They were very kind and When we arrived at our destination, we find our cousins and uncles in the ski track.

They told us that he had tried to call us, but there was no coverage.
This experience we frightened lot, but at the same time it was very exciting!

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