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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The creation of the world from Greek mythology

First there was Chaos. From Chaos two children were born , Night and Erebus. From Darkness  and Death Love was born  who created Light and Day.

Later, the first creatures with life were Mother Earth(Gaia) and Father Heaven (Ouranus) , but the world wasn`t inhabited because there were monsters, Cyclopes and finally were the Titans.

Cronus, one of these Titans, ruled the world. He wounded his father, Ouranus. From that blood the furies and giants were born but Mother Earth told Cronos that one of his children would dethrone him, so Cronos decided  to eat their children.

Rhea, his sister, became his wife. She decided to replace one of her sons (Zeus)  for a stone, and then she gave it to Cronos. She hid her son in the mountains. So Cronus arrived very angrily and blinded by his fury, he ate the stone.

The child grew up and he became a God of Thunder. Then  the war between  the Gods and Titans began. Zeus defeated the Titans with the help of Prometheus who hated Cronus. Zeus finally conquered the Titans  and cleared the world of monsters for the Age of Man.

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