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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A survivor story by Xavier Andrés

It was  a wonderful day, I wanted to go hiking with my brother in a mountain near to my city even I invited a friend to go  with us but he didn't go. I  got up early and said to my brother " If you dont wake up, we will late" ,so my brother got up and we got ready for the journey, we hoped to have lunch at the top of the mountain.

We went to this mountain, the weather was good  while we were climbing the mountain,  we  saw many animals such as: birds, squirrels and bugs , after a while we arrived to the middle of the mountain, a woodland, in this moment the weather worsened  and started to rain.

Suddenly, a lightning stroke a tree  and fell over my brother and broke his leg. He started to cry, I tried out of there and put him in a safe place. My brother couldn´t  walk, and he started to lose a lot of blood. If I didn´t stop the blood, he would die. I didn´t know what to do. So I left my brother alone and I went for help, the weather was going worse from time to time.  I heard thundering near down the mountain,  but I slip and crashed into a tree. I broke my arm  but I continued  because I didn't want my brother to die. Maybe if  I had not told him to come, he wouldn´t have been in the edge of death.

I arrived at the foot of the mountain but I fainted from exhaustion, I woke up in the city hospital, I asked the nurse for my  brother but she said  that if I hadn´t left him in that place, the rescue team couldn't have found him.  I was relief. If my brother hadn´t survived,  I would have felt really bad , but that never happened.

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